2015 Sermon Podcasts
547 Pembroke St.
(Route 3)
Pembroke, NH 03275 603-224-6972
"And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'" Matt. 10:7
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The following sermons were recorded at Hillside Baptist Church during the Year of Our Lord, 2015.
They are presented here for anyone who may have missed a Worship Service and for anyone seeking to better understand God's Word on a specific topic.
For sermons from any particular year, click on the Sermon Podcasts button and then click on a year.
Except where noted all sermons were presented by Pastor Jim Robertson.
By downloading any of these sermon recordings, you are automatically agreeing to our Terms of Use.
Date |
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Dec. 27, 2015 |
"Repentance vs. New Year's Resolutions" Acts 3:1-26
Peter called his hearers to do three things. |
Dec. 20, 2015 |
"The Diligent, the Apathetic, or the Deceitful: Which Are You?" Matt. 2:1-23
After the birth of Jesus, the Wise Men sought Him for a very different reason than King Herod. |
Dec. 13, 2015 |
"Jesus: the Gift" Matt. 1:18-25
Jesus was a gift to a couple, a nation, and all mankind. |
Dec. 6, 2015 |
"The Christmas Geneologies" Matt. 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38
These lists show that Jesus can trace His human family back through King David. |
Nov. 29, 2015 |
"Time for Action" 1 Peter 1:13-16
Peter tells us to prepare for action, to be sober, and to fix our hope on the grace of Jesus Christ.
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Nov. 22, 2015 |
"Being Thankful for All God Has Done" several
The Old and New Testaments give good reasons to be thankful to God. |
Nov. 15, 2015 |
"Give Thanks to the Lord" Psalm 105
The psalmist presents five reasons for giving thanks to the Lord. |
Nov. 8, 2015 |
"Is Your Faith a Mere Facade?" Mark 11:1-26
This passage provides a few indicators of a righteous facade. |
Nov. 1, 2015 |
"Jesus: the Greatest Servant of All" Mark 10:32-53
This passage illustrates three aspects of servanthood. |
Oct. 25, 2015 |
"Jesus: The Path to Eternal Life" Mark 10:17-31
Twelve spitritual insights can be found in this passage. |
Oct. 18, 2015 |
"Hardening One's Heart Leads to Sin" Mark 10:1-16
This passage contains four examples of people ignoring God's truth. |
Oct. 11, 2015 |
"What Keeps You from Living a Godly Life?" Mark 9:14-50
In response to the miracles, Jesus' disciples reacted the wrong way. |
Oct. 4, 2015 |
"Jesus, the Glorified One" Mark 9:2-13
Peter, James, and John had an awesome experience: witnessing the Transfiguration of Jesus. |
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Sept. 27, 2015 |
"Jesus' Assertion of Himself Requires a Decision" Mark 8:27-9:1
Whether or not you decide to follow Jesus, there are consequences. |
Sept. 20, 2015 |
"Is Your Spiritual Vision 20/20?" Mark 8:11-26
This passage contrasts those with and without spiritual vision. |
Sept. 13, 2015 |
"The Gospel of Jesus is for All People" Mark 7:24-8:10
In this passage, Jesus showed that the gospel is for all people, not just for the Jews. |
Sept. 6, 2015 |
"The Heart of the Matter" Mark 7:1-23
Traditions, religious practices, and rituals do not necessarily indicate true worship. |
Aug. 30, 2015 |
"Who Do You Say Jesus Is?" Matt. 16:13-20
One answer leads to salvation, the other leads to separation from God.
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Aug. 23, 2015 |
"Inspired by the Word of God" 2 Tim. 3:15-17
We simply cannot depend on our own wisdom.
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Aug. 16, 2015 |
"Signs for Jesus" Speading the gospel through electronic sign boards.
Guest speaker: Fab Cusson, www.Signs4Jesus.com |
Aug. 9, 2015 |
"Jesus: The Compassionate One" Mark 6:33-56
In this passage, Jesus displayed His compassion in five situations. |
Aug. 2, 2015 |
"Jesus' Ministry Grows" Mark 6:7-32
Jesus sent His disciples out to preach repentance, to heal the sick, and to cast out demons. |
July 26, 2015 |
"Will Your False Perceptions of Jesus Cause Unbelief?" Mark 6:1-6
Are we like the people of Nazareth who would not give Jesus the glory, honor, and faithfulness He deserved? |
July 19, 2015 |
"Do You Have Faith in Jesus?" Mark 5:21-43
This passage illustrates the things that faith can motivate us to do when all else fails. |
July 12, 2015 |
"Jesus, the Bringer of Peace" Mark 4:35-5:20
Peace doesn't come from reading a book or going to a seminar on stress, but from Jesus, the giver of peace.
NOTE: A technical problem caused the recording to stop at 26.5 minutes. |
July 5, 2015 |
"The Kingdom of God" Mark 4:26-34
Jesus told these parables about the Kingdom of God. |
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June 28, 2015 |
"Ignoring God's Sovereign Design" Romans 1:18-32
In defiance of God, five judges on the the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in favor of homosexual marriage. |
June 21, 2015 |
"What a Godly Man Does" Genesis 22:1-19
In this passage for Father's Day, Abraham demonstrated seven traits of a godly man. |
June 14, 2015 |
"Hearing and Receiving the Word of God" Mark 4:1-25
This parable reveals two types of people: those who accept the Word of God and those who do not. |
June 7, 2015 |
"Overcoming Opposition" Mark 3:20-35
Jesus had to face opposition not only from the scribes but also from His own mother and brothers. |
May 31, 2015 |
"A Call That Must Be Answered" Mark 3:13-19
When Jesus chose His disciples, there were four characteristics of that action. |
May 24, 2015 |
"Jesus: the One and Only" Mark 3:1-12
This passage describes seven of Jesus' many praiseworthy characteristics. |
May 17, 2015 |
"Life's Most Important Question" Luke 18:18-22
What do I need to do to inherit eternal life?
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
May 10, 2015 |
"An Example of a Godly Woman (Mother's Day)" 1 Samuel 1:1-28,2:18-21
A Godly woman places her faith and trust in the Lord. |
May 3, 2015 |
"Jesus, the Radical" Mark 2:13-28
In Capernaum, Jesus' actions shook up the religious status quo. |
Apr. 26, 2015 |
"What to Make of Jesus?" Mark 2:1-12
This passage contains several responses to the healing of the paralytic man. |
Apr. 19, 2015 |
"The Primacy of the Gospel" Mark 1:14-45
Jesus came to preach the Word of God and help people find salvation in the Son of God. |
Apr. 12, 2015 |
"Jesus Is Affirmed As the Messiah" Mark 1:1-13
Mark begins his gospel with four declarations about Jesus. |
Apr. 5, 2015 Easter Sunday |
"Celebrating Jesus Christ, the Risen Lord"
John 18:1-20:31 Even the disciples were not ready for the empty tomb. |
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Mar. 29, 2015 |
"The Obvious Truth of Jesus Is Lost on the Unbelieving"
John 11:55-12:36 The Jews who heard Jesus preach and the religious elite who opposed Him did not really know who He was. |
Mar. 22, 2015 |
No sermon due to equipment malfunction.
Mar. 15, 2015 |
"The Christian Attitude" Phil. 2:1-11
While in prison in Rome, Paul made a point of encouraging the early Christians in Philippi. Sermon by Pastor Al Page |
Mar. 8, 2015 |
"Maintaining a Proper Attitude Toward God" Ecl. 5:1-7
How are we as Christians to approach God? |
Mar. 1, 2015 |
"God's Sovereignty over Time" Ecclesiastes 3
What are we to do with regard to the passing of time? |
Feb. 22, 2015 |
"The Futility of Life Is Tantamount to Chasing After the Wind - Part 2: Comparing the Wise and the Foolish" Ecclesiastes 2:1-26
Solomon states that everything is meaningless, so what are we to do? |
Feb. 15, 2015 |
"The Futility of Life Is Tantamount to Chasing After the Wind - Part 1" Ecclesiastes 1:1-18
Solomon teaches the emptiness of the pursuit of pleasure and greatness. True fulfillment is found only in the redemptive gift of Jesus Christ. |
Feb. 8, 2015 |
Services canceled due to snow storm. |
Feb. 1, 2015 |
"God Draws Near to a Repentant Heart" Psalm 32
THis psalm describes the five-step progression of a repentant heart. |
Jan. 25, 2015 |
"Submission to the Son of God" Psalm 2
This psalm calls for us to repent and submit ourselves to the Son of God. |
Jan. 18, 2015 |
"Recognizing God's Sovereignty Pertaining to Life" Psalm 139
As the people of God, we need to recognize God's sovereignty in several ways. |
Jan. 11, 2015 |
"Contrasting Character: Righteous vs. Wicked" Psalm 1
This psalm contrasts the way of the righteous and the path of the wicked. |
Jan. 4, 2014 |
"Is the Lord God Your Shepherd?" Psalm 23
Jesus is the Shepherd King who cares for us. |
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All sermons copyright © 2015 Hillside Baptist Church, Pembroke, NH