2016 Sermon Podcasts
547 Pembroke St.
(Route 3)
Pembroke, NH 03275 603-224-6972
"And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'" Matt. 10:7
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The following sermons were recorded at Hillside Baptist Church during the Year of Our Lord, 2016.
They are presented here for anyone who may have missed a Worship Service and for anyone seeking to better understand God's Word on a specific topic.
For sermons from any particular year, click on the Sermon Podcasts button and then click on a year.
Except where noted all sermons were presented by Dr. Jim Robertson.
By downloading any of these sermon recordings, you are automatically agreeing to our Terms of Use.
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Dec. 25, 2016 |
"The Journey" Luke 2:1-7
In the turmoil caused by the Roman census, Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem where Jesus was born, fulfilling prophesy. |
Dec. 18, 2016 |
"Beyond the Manger Story" John 1:1-5
In the opening statements of his gospel, John draws parallels to Genesis 1. |
Dec. 11, 2016 |
"What Would You Do?" Matthew 1:18-25
If you were in Joseph's place, how would you react to Mary's story? |
Dec. 4, 2016 |
"Christmas Is About Christ" Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20
The Christmas story includes a large cast of characters, but Jesus takes the leading role. |
Nov. 27, 2016 |
"Restoration" John 18:15-18, 18:25-27, 21:15-19
Do you ever wish you could restore things to the way they were?
Peter did. |
Nov. 20, 2016 |
"Expressing Thankfulness to the Lord" Psalms, Philippians 4:6, Colossians 4:2
As Christians, we should take this time to be thankful for how God has blessed each of us. |
Nov. 13, 2016 |
"Following Jesus' Example for Prayer" Luke & Matthew
In Luke 11:9-10, Matthew 6:5-6, Luke 6:12, Luke 5:16, and Matthew 18:19, Jesus taught His followers the proper way to pray. |
Nov. 6, 2016 |
"Maintaining a Biblical Perspective of Government: Citizenship" Romans 13:1-7
God instituted government to promote good and to punish evil. |
Oct. 30, 2016 |
"Maintaining a Biblical Perspective of Government: Rulers" Proverbs 8:15, Psalm 2:10-11, Romans 13:4
Human governments are a poor version of a society ruled by God and His commandments.
Note: Due to a technical problem, please turn up your volume control. |
Oct. 23, 2016 |
"God's Way of Masterfully Preserving Unity" Acts 6:1-7
Disunity arose between two Jewish Christian groups, but the apostles resolved the issue to the approval of all. |
Oct. 16, 2016 |
"A Bold Testimony in the Face of Persecution" Acts 5:17-42
Peter and John were imprisoned for preaching about Jesus, miraculously freed, and then hauled before the Sanhedrin again. Peter's bold testimony resulted in their release. |
Oct. 9, 2016 |
"Is There Such a Thing As a Small Sin?" Acts 4:36-5:16
Ananias and Sapphira lied to Peter and paid for it with their lives. |
Oct. 2, 2016 |
"God at Work in His Followers" Acts 4:23-35
Despite threats from the Sanhedrin, the apostles and believers continued to meet at the temple and praise Jesus. |
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Sept.25, 2016 |
"Who Have You Been Hanging with?" Acts 4:1-22
With Jesus, we can boldly speak of our faith, be witnesses to others, and honor God. |
Sept. 18, 2016 |
"God in the Flesh" John 1:1-14
God was there before anything existed and Jesus was there with the Father.
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Sept. 11, 2016 |
"It's Really Not Mine" 1st Chron. 29:9-17
People chase after so many things, forgetting that they will own them for only a short time.
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Sept. 4, 2016 |
"A Holy Indictment That Leads to Repentance" Acts 3:11-26
After healing the lame man, Peter gave the crowd a perfectly constructed sermon. |
Aug. 28, 2016 |
"Unexpectedly Encountering God" Acts3:1-10
Working through Peter and John, God healed a crippled beggar in the temple, to the amazement of onlookers. |
Aug. 21, 2016 |
"A Sermon for the Ages" Acts 2:14-47
On Pentecost, Peter's very cogent sermon led about 3,000 people to faith in Jesus. |
Aug. 14, 2016 |
"The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit" Acts 2:1-13
The Holy Spirit turned the Jewish Day of Pentecost into the Christian Day of Pentecost. |
Aug. 7, 2016 |
"Lessons to Learn from the Early Church" Acts 1:12-26
This passage teaches lessons about obedience, unity of spirit, a false disciple, and a Godly disciple. |
July 31, 2016 |
"Change You Can Believe in" 2 Peter 3:1-18
Change is coming but are you ready for the coming day of the Lord?
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
July 24, 2016 |
"What Kind of Christian Are You?" Acts 1:1-11
Is your mind on earthly matters or heavenly matters? |
July 17, 2016 |
"The Inevitable Accountability of Your Life" Hebrews 9:1-28
This passage contains four important truths about your accountability. |
July 10, 2016 |
"The Powerful Spirit of Our God" Zechariah 4:6 and elsewhere
The Spirit of God has the power to defeat Satan's forces, save us, and give us victory over sin. |
July 3, 2016 |
"The Freedom to Choose" Hebrews 11:23-29
Today's passage recounts the faith in God that guided Moses. |
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June 26, 2016 |
"The Sifting of One's Faith" Luke 22:1-32
In verse 31, the plural "you" indicates that God allowed Satan to "sift" the disciples. |
June 19, 2016 |
"God Our Father" Several
God, our Father, is always present, loving, patient, accessible, and perfect. |
June 12, 2016 |
"Important Reminders to All Christians" 2 John 1-13
Take note of these five reminders about the Christian walk. |
June 5, 2016 |
"Marriage: Divinely Instituted" Genesis 2:18-25 & Matthew 19:4-6
Marriage was given by God as a divine institution between a man and a woman. |
May 29, 2016 |
"A Memorial That Lasts" Joshua 4:19-24
After miraculously crossing the Jordan River, the Jews created a memorial using 12 stones from the river bottom. |
May 22, 2016 |
"How Is God Getting Your Attentiom?" Judges 3:12-30
For a second time, Israel strayed into idolatry, was conquered, and then had to beg God for deliverance. |
May 15, 2016 |
"Gaining Spiritual Insight" 2 Kings 6:8-23
It takes spiritual insight to see that God always watches over His people. |
May 8, 2016 |
"Recognizing Godly Women (Mother's Day)" Exodus 1:1-22
Godly Hebrew midwives like Shiprah and Puah stood up against the Egyptian king's murderous orders. |
May 1, 2016 |
"The Challenge of Marriage" Ephesians 5:22-33
The challenge is to live in a Christ-like relationship.
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Apr. 24, 2016 |
"God's Wondrous Calling in Our Lives" 1 Peter 2:9-10
The people of God are called to proclaim God's excellent nature. |
Apr. 17, 2016 |
"Our Advocate" 1 John 2:1
As sinners, we hope for someone to intercede for us before God, the Father. |
Apr. 10, 2016 |
"Not Wanting God" 1 Samuel 8
God's people asked Samuel for something other than God. |
Apr. 3, 2016 |
"The Integrity of the Word of God" Mark 16:9-20
Scholars continue to debate the merits of these final verses. Learn why. |
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Mar. 27, 2016 |
"The Risen Lord" Mark 15:40-16:8
Several people played important roles during the time of Jesus' death and resurrection. (Resurrection Sunday) |
Mar. 20, 2016 |
"Jesus: The Victor over Great Temptation" Mark 15:1-39
In six ways, the devil tempted Jesus to avoid going to the cross. |
Mar. 13, 2016 |
"Jesus: the One Who Communed with God" Mark 14:27-72
This passage contrasts those who fell short of the mark with Jesus who rose to the occasion. |
Mar. 6, 2016 |
"A Call of Remembrance" Mark 14:1-26
This passage calls us to remember the anointing, the betrayal, and the new covenant. |
Feb. 28, 2016 |
"The End Is Almost Near" Mark 13:1-37
One of the hardest topics to discuss is End Times Theology. |
Feb. 21, 2016 |
"Jesus, the One with All the Answers" Mark 12: 28-44
In response to the temple scribes' questions, Jesus offered superior answers. |
Feb. 14, 2016 |
"There's a Little Judas in All of Us" Luke 22:47-53
For a price, Judas betrayed the Lord to the powers of darkness.
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Feb. 7, 2016 |
"Gethsemane" Luke 22:39-46
At Gethsemane, Jesus prayed fervently that the Father's will would be done. Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Jan. 31, 2016 |
"It's Our Turn" Luke 22:1-39
Jesus gave His disciples final instructions before turning over the ministry to them.
Sermon by Pastor Al Page. |
Jan. 24, 2016 |
"The Hope of the Resurrection and Eternal Life" Mark 12:18-27
The Saducees hoped to discredit Jesus with a trick question. |
Jan. 17, 2016 |
"Honoring God Above All Others" Mark 12:13-17
Our obligations to the state differ from our obligations to God. |
Jan. 10, 2016 |
"Jesus: The Marvelous, Rejected Cornerstone" Mark 12:1-12
In this parable of the rejected vineyard owner, Jesus condemned the Jewish leaders. |
Jan. 3, 2016 |
"Religiosity vs. True Worship" Mark 11:27-33
In the temple, the religious leaders confronted Jesus about authority. |
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All sermons copyright © 2016 Hillside Baptist Church, Pembroke, NH