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Modeling the truth
of God's Word


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BCNE New Hampshire
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The Savior is waiting to enter your heart, why don't you let Him come in?

God's Word:
Know it in your head,
stow it in your heart,
show it in your life,
sow it in the world.

spacer The Way

547 Pembroke St.
(Route 3)
Pembroke, NH

Welcome to Hillside

We are a growing Southern Baptist Congregation dedicated to

Loving our neighbors, community, and God's people.

Leading people to believe & confess Jesus as Lord and be saved.

If you seek a church that preaches what you need to hear from the Word of God, rather than what you want to hear, go to the Sermons page, select this year, and listen to a sermon or two.

Latest Sermon: Mar. 23, 2025 -

Located on Route 3 in Pembroke, NH, we invite you to come and visit us. Sunday School for all ages is at 9:30 a.m., and Sunday Worship is at 10:45 a.m.

Find out how you can turn your light into a mighty flame!

Pastor Search Process

In August 2024, Dr. Jim Robertson took on a new teaching position at Northeastern Baptist College. Since then, the Pastor Search Committee has met frequently to work through the search process.

The committee now has one candidate to present to the congregation.

According to Pastor Tom, "Alex Musard is coming to our church April 5 and 6 at the invitation of our Pastor Search Committee. We'll have lunch with Alex on Saturday the 5th and then he'll preach in the service on Sunday the 6th. After the service we'll discuss his candidacy and then vote."

Committee meetings are at 9 a.m. at the Cairns home, 187 East Side Drive, Concord, NH.

Hillside Baptist Church Profile

Weather Briefing

Go to for sunrise and sunset times for Concord, NH. The daylight is getting longer!

Go to WMUR Weather Forecast for current weather conditions.

Go to Moon Info for Phases of the Moon for 2024.

Other Resources

Web and Other Resources: For tips on reading and studying the Bible and other Christian topics,go to the Resources page for more information.

Current Events: Focus on the Family offers a video series on how to deal with Critical Race Theory by separating truth from myth. Go to Web Resources and sign up for this free video series.

New Hampshire Outdoors

In addition to Maple Syrup Season in March, another traditional springtime event is Ice-Out on Lake Winnipesaukee. Check out the Ice-Out page for this year's official date and look over the tables of dates going back to 1887!

Fall in New Hampshire is the time for a ride in the country to enjoy the colorful fall foliage. A good destination is one of the state's many apple orchards. At most of them, you can pick your own apples, especially varieties like Macoun, Jerseymac, Molly Delicious, and Honey Crisp. Check out the NH Fruit Grower's Association
web site.

In the wintertime, local people head to Bear Brook State Park in Allenstown where popular activites include croscountry skiing, snowshoeing, mountain biking (with fat tires), and snowmobiling.


"Behold What Manner of Love"

Proclaiming the Good News of God's Son, Jesus Christ.

Supporting missions and ministry work here and around the world.

Calendar of Events

  • Mar. 9, 2:00 a.m. - Daylight Savings Time starts
  • Mar. 12, 9:00 a.m. - Pastor Search Committee
  • Mar. 16 - Rev. Sam Taylor preaching
  • Mar. 17 - St. Patrick's Day
  • Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26, 7 p.m. - Weds. Bible Study at the Cairns home
  • Mar. 19, 9:00 a.m. - Pastor Search Committee
  • Mar. 20 - First Day of Spring

  • Apr. 5, Noon - Lunch with Alex Musard, Pastoral Candidate
  • Apr. 6, 10:45 a.m. - Lord's Supper Sunday - Alex Musard Preaching
  • Apr. 6, midday - Business Meeting w/r/t Alex Musard
  • Apr. 15 - Deadline to file your tax return

Sunday Bible Study

A new weekly study series started in March 2025. It involves a closer look at 1 and 2 Peter and Jude. The apostle Peter's first letter contains guidance on various Christian doctrines and behaviors in a time of persecution. In the second letter, he warns against false teachers and those who would distort the teachings of the Apostle Paul. Jude was a disciple of Jesus Christ and the brother of James. He urges readers to hold onto their faith amid the disturbing rise of false teachers.

Sunday School takes place in a relaxed setting in which to ponder the eternal truths and wisdom found in the Bible and ask questions about what it means and how to apply it to our lives.

Coffee and light snacks are available for free.

Sunday Worship Service

The 10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service blends contemporary praise songs, traditional hymns, scripture reading, and prayer. Dr. Jim Robertson then delivers the morning message. Pastor Al Page leads the service from time to time as the need arises.

Why don't you come on in and find out what the Lord has in store for us? Saints and sinners are welcome.

A ramp is available at the rear entrance for ease of access and the church is air conditioned. Please stay for coffee and fellowship after the service.

Wednesday Night Bible Study Series

The Wednesday Night Bible Study Series had been meeting at the church at 7 p.m. and was lead by Pastor Al Page. This study ended for the year and will resume in Spring 2025.

Thursday Night Bible Study Series

The Thursday Night Bible Study Series meets at the home of Tom and June Cairns at 7 p.m. After a winter break, this study resumed on January 9, 2025.

mailboxAll events are free and open to the public. For more information, call the church office at 603-224-6972, or send e-mail to
mfrascinella @ comcast dot net.

Gospel Radio

NH Gospel Radio

Before or after visiting Hillside, be sure to tune into WVNH at 91.1 FM or 104.3 FM for all your favorite Christian radio programs. WVNH is part of the Moody Broadcasting Network and broadcasts 24/7 from Concord, NH.

Baptist Press News

Baptist Press still provides important religion news, featuring
SBC News, SBC Life, Tech & Entertainment, and World & Politics

Copyright © 2024 Hillside Baptist Church
Web site by MAFware Solutions
Last updated Mar. 28, 2025
