2025 Sermon Podcasts
547 Pembroke St.
(Route 3)
Pembroke, NH 03275 603-224-6972
"And as you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'" Matt. 10:7
Sermon Podcasts for 2025
Sermons That Make the Scriptures Glow
Pastor Tom delivering a sermon
The following sermon podcasts were recorded at Hillside Baptist Church during the Year of Our Lord, 2025. They are presented here for anyone who may have missed a Worship Service and for anyone seeking to better understand God's Word on a specific topic.
All sermon podcasts are presented in MP3 format and will play in any browser.
To find sermons from any particular year, jump to the Sermon Podcasts page and then click on a year.
Except where noted all sermons were presented by Dr. Jim Robertson.
By downloading any of these sermon recordings, you are automatically agreeing to our Terms of Use.
After you have listened to one or more sermon podcasts, please send us some feedback or constructive comments. We would like to hear from you.
Date |
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Mar. 23, 2025 |
"How to Treat Your Pastor" 1 Cor. 9; 1 Tim. 4&5
In what was his farewell sermon at Hillside, Dr. Robertson praised Hillsiders for blessing him and his family and helping him to grow in his ministry over the past 20 years. He advised us to give the new pastor the financial support he will need to grow spiritually in prayer and ministry and thus help the church grow. As Paul advised Timothy, we should not look down on a youthful pastor but honor his calling. We should also let the pastor be worthy of our respect.
Sermon by Dr. Jim Robertson
Mar. 16, 2025 |
"Fulfilling the Great Commission" Hebrews 11 & 12
Reverend Sam Taylor is a Global Missions Mobilizer. Over the years, he has served as a youth pastor, adult pastor, and missionary. He also pastored at Nashua Baptist Church for eight years. He stressed that, when we obey "The Great Commission," the church grows. Currently he travels to churches in New England to promote the endurance needed to bring the Good News to all people.
Sermon by Rev. Sam Taylor
Mar. 9, 2025 |
"Ugly Honesty" Psalm 137
Not everything in the Bible is a good example to follow, like David's lust for Bathsheba. Some bad examples in the Bible were not readily corrected, like Gideon testing God. This psalm is a bitter song of those who returned from captivity in Babylon to Jerusalem. God can heal such ugliness in us only if we honestly confess such feelings to Him.
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns
Mar. 2, 2025 |
"Humility and Pride" Luke 18:9-14
In this parable, Jesus contrasted a proud Pharisee with a humble tax collector. Jesus criticized the Pharisee for bragging about his good works. Jesus commended the tax collector for begging forgiveneess for his sins. Which one will you emulate today?
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns
Feb. 23, 2025 |
"The Highest Standards" 1 Timothy 3:1-7
The apostle Paul saw great potential in his protege Timothy who was overseeing the church in Ephesus. In these verses, Paul stipulated several spiritual qualifications for an effective pastor (overseer). Pastor Tom contrasts that with a humorous list of qualifications from the web.
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns
Feb.16, 2025 |
Services canceled due to a second snow storm.
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns postponed.
Feb.9, 2025 |
Services canceled due to snow storm.
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns postponed.
Feb. 2, 2025 |
"Focus, Focus, Focus" Luke 18:1-8
We are constantly distracted with endless information every day. In this passage, Jesus spoke of a widow who kept pleading for justice until the indifferent judge ruled in her favor. In contrast God will not delay responding to believers who persist in crying out to Him for justice. We would do well to avoid today's constant distractions and focus on Jesus.
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns
Jan. 26, 2025 |
"On Mission for Christ" Matthew 28:16-20
Jesus is our authority who can tell us what we need to do. We know this because He came to Earth with wisdom and glory as the Son of God. We have a living God who is victorious over every opposition. We need to obey His command to "Go and make disciples of all the nations."
Sermon by Dr. Jim Robertson
Jan. 19, 2025 |
"Two Lost Sons, Part 3" Luke 15: 1-2 & 11-32
The older brother was lost too. He was physically present but spiritually distant. This son emphasized all his hard work and self-righteousness. Instead of being joyful at his brother's return, he was angry at his father's mercy. We must stop trying to be good enough to earn God's love. Accept Jesus as Lord and ask for His forgiveness and mercy.
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns
Jan. 12, 2025 |
"Two Lost Sons, Part 2" Luke 15: 1-2 &11-32
Part 2 focused on the father in the parable. This father showed love and compassion for the lost son who returned and begged forgiveness for his foolishness. We can assume that the father was constantly praying that this son would not be lost forever but be restored to him. Today our heavenly Father will rejoice when any of us repents and asks forgiveness for our sinful behavior.
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns
Jan. 5, 2025 |
"Two Lost Sons, Part 1" Luke 15:1-2 &11-32
Jesus attracted sinners because He cared for them. His third parable here was about the younger son who demanded his share of his inheritance, went away, and squandered it. In desperation, he returned home to beg forgiveness. His father met him with love, compassion, and forgiveness. Our lives may be better or worse, but we must be honest about our situation and ask Jesus to forgive us and give us a new life.
Sermon by Pastor Tom Cairns
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You may not copy, duplicate, modify, alter, republish, post on or broadcast from another web site, make publicly available, or use this recording in any other way except for personal, non-commercial use.
All sermon podcasts copyright © 2025 Hillside Baptist Church, Pembroke, NH